Часто употребляемые идиомы о времени
- Better Late Than Never (досл. Лучше поздно, чем никогда)
This idiom is simple but effective. It implies (подразумевать) that a belated (запоздалый) achievement (успех) is better than not reaching a goal (цель) at all.
One might say, "The achievement is long overdue (запоздалый), but it's better late than never."
- On the Spur of the Moment (досл. На вершине момента - Под влиянием минуты)
This popular saying denotes (обозначать) a spontaneous (спонтанный, неподготовленный) or sudden (внезапный) undertaking (дело).
For example, "Linda and Louis drove to the beach on the spur of the moment."
- Once in a Blue Moon (досл. Однажды при синей луне - Когда рак на горе свистнет)
A blue moon is a colloquial (разговорный) term applied (используемый) to the second full moon in one month. This idiom means something is rare (редкий) or infrequent (нечастый).
For example, "Homebodies (домоседы) Mary and James only go out once in a blue moon."
- Living on Borrowed Time (досл. Живущий в заимствованном времени - Жить взаймы)
Following an illness or near-death experience (опыт, испытание), many people believe they have cheated (обманывать) death.
Here's an example: "After Jim was struck (ударять) by lightning (молния), he felt like he was living on borrowed time."